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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 15 | Exact Match! | ||||||
adjective • typical or distinctive noun • a prominent attribute or aspect of something • a distinguishing quality; a feature that can be used to identify something • the integer part (positive or negative) of the representation of a logarithm; in the expression log 643 = 2.808 the characteristic is 2 • any measurable property of a device measured under closely specified conditions | ||||||||
26% | 10 | Can vary between different cultures and musical styles | ||||||
noun • the system of tones used in a particular language or dialect of a tone language | ||||||||
25% | 13 | A term used in genetics to describe the process by which individuals with certain undesirable traits are more likely to reproduce or pass on those traits to their offspring. | ||||||
noun • A situation where sellers have information that buyers don't (or vice versa) about some aspect of product quality. | ||||||||
Traits Which With Care Vary In Styles Crossword Clue
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CHARACTERISTICS which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 14, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Cryptic07 Jul 2009 | Down 1 | |
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1 | A term used in genetics to describe the process by which individuals with certain undesirable traits are more likely to reproduce or pass on those traits to their offspring. | |
2 | Can vary between different cultures and musical styles | |
3 | Promotes recessive traits, say
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