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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 3 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a pointed tool for marking surfaces or for punching small holes | ||||||||
50% | 5 | Piercing tool for making holes in leather | ||||||
noun • A slice, especially of bread. • A sheave. • A beam or plank of split wood. • A flat, wide cork for plugging a large hole or closing a wide-mouthed bottle. • A splinter or fragment of the woody core of flax or hemp broken off in braking or scutching • A plant fragment remaining in scoured wool. • A piece of thread or fluff on the surface of cloth or other material. • (papermaking) A dark particle or impurity in finished paper resulting from a bundle of incompletely cooked wood fibres in the pulp. • A knife, especially a makeshift one fashioned from something not normally used as a weapon (like a plastic spoon or a toothbrush). • A particular woody by-product of processing flax or hemp. • A weeklong period of formal mourning for a close relative. | ||||||||
42% | 5 | A sharp, pointed tool used for piercing holes in leather | ||||||
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Tool For Piercing Holes In Leather
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Updated: October 13, 2023
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The Guardian Quick22 Sep 2009 | Down 23 | |
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