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99% | 7 | Exact Match! | ||||||
verb • be shown or be found to be • prove to be in the result or end • produce quickly or regularly, usually with machinery • result or end • come, usually in answer to an invitation or summons • bring forth • put out or expel from a place • come and gather for a public event • outfit or equip, as with accessories • turn outward • cause to stop operating by disengaging a switch • get up and out of bed | ||||||||
34% | 7 | Those who came go away | ||||||
noun • the group that gathers together for a particular occasion • a part of a road that has been widened to allow cars to pass or park • a short stretch of railroad track used to store rolling stock or enable trains on the same line to pass • what is produced in a given time period • a set of clothing (with accessories) • attendance for a particular event or purpose (as to vote in an election) • (ballet) the outward rotation of a dancer's leg from the hip | ||||||||
26% | 13 | Those who came of age in the 21st century | ||||||
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Those Who Came Go Away
There is 1 exact and 181 possible answers.
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TURNOUT which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 14, 2023
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We think you're currently doing a The Guardian Cryptic crossword, and other users also searched for these clues:
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So cut evidence?
Clue Last Found In...
Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Cryptic28 Aug 2007 | Across 16 | |
The Guardian Cryptic28 Aug 2007 | Across 16 | |
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2 | Classic song with the words "Look away! Look away! Look away!"
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3 | Like those who can't pull their eyes away from the TV
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4 | Men: those who give nothing away receive violent end
The Guardian Cryptic -
18 Aug 2011 | The Guardian Cryptic / 18 Aug 2011 |
5 | Spiritual reverence for those who came before | |
6 | Those who came of age in the 21st century | |
7 | Word repeated in "Now ___ away! ___ away! ___ away ...!"
New York Times -
23 Dec 2007 | New York Times / 23 Dec 2007 |