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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 8 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a short amusing opera | ||||||||
35% | 9 | Setting for the musical 'The Merry Widow' | ||||||
noun • an imaginary kingdom in central Europe; often used as a scene for intrigue and romance | ||||||||
35% | 11 | Creators of 'The Merry Widow' and 'The Pirates of Penzance' | ||||||
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The Merry Widow Eg Crossword Clue
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Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times28 Aug 1987 | Down 38 | |
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3 | His most famous work is 'The Merry Widow' | |
4 | His operetta 'The Merry Widow' premiered in 1905 | |
5 | The merry widow, in the 1934 musical "The Merry Widow"
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27 Oct 2005 | New York Times / 27 Oct 2005 |
6 | The merry widow in "The Merry Widow"
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12 Oct 1996 | New York Times / 12 Oct 1996 |
7 | The merry widow in MGM's "The Merry Widow"
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01 Mar 2002 | New York Times / 01 Mar 2002 |