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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 9 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • United States poet (1899-1932) | ||||||||
25% | 7 | English poet widely considered the greatest poet of the Middle Ages | ||||||
noun • English poet remembered as author of the Canterbury Tales (1340-1400) | ||||||||
25% | 9 | English poet and novelist who served as the Poet Laureate of the United Kingdom from 1930 until his death in 1967 | ||||||
noun • English poet (1878-1967) | ||||||||
The Bridge Poet Crossword Clue
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Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times15 Mar 2005 | Down 11 | |
New York Times30 May 1991 | Across 40 | |
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1 | "The Bridge" poet Hart
New York Times -
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2 | American poet and writer known as the "People's Poet" | |
3 | English poet widely considered the greatest poet of the Middle Ages | |
4 | German poet who wrote "Don't send a poet to London"
New York Times -
20 Sep 2007 | New York Times / 20 Sep 2007 |
5 | Poet who wrote "Don't send a poet to London"
New York Times -
24 Feb 2006 | New York Times / 24 Feb 2006 |
6 | U.S. poet who wrote "The Bridge"
New York Times -
21 Apr 1991 | New York Times / 21 Apr 1991 |
7 | ___ Bridge (former name of New York's R.F.K. Bridge)
New York Times -
28 May 2012 | New York Times / 28 May 2012 |