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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 4 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • the world's longest river (4150 miles); flows northward through eastern Africa into the Mediterranean; the Nile River valley in Egypt was the site of the world's first great civilization | ||||||||
36% | 9 | It was the site of a famous naval battle between France and Britain in 1798 | ||||||
noun • a bay on the Mediterranean Sea in northern Egypt | ||||||||
36% | 14 | Fought and won the Battle of the Nile in 1798 | ||||||
noun • English admiral who defeated the French fleets of Napoleon but was mortally wounded at Trafalgar (1758-1805) | ||||||||
The Battle Of The __ August 1 1798 Crossword Clue
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NILE which was last seen in the New York Times Bonus crossword.
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Updated: October 11, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times Bonus01 Aug 1998 | Down 65 | |
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Similar Clues
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1 | Fought and won the Battle of the Nile in 1798 | |
2 | Italian poet: 1798–1837
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25 Nov 1979 | New York Times / 25 Nov 1979 |
3 | It was the site of a famous naval battle between France and Britain in 1798 | |
4 | Nelson's victory site: 1798
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5 | Where Nelson triumphed: 1798
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6 | Writer on population: 1798
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23 Feb 1984 | New York Times / 23 Feb 1984 |
7 | ___ and Sedition Acts: 1798
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10 Apr 1979 | New York Times / 10 Apr 1979 |