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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • Hungarian composer and piano virtuoso (1811-1886) | ||||||||
33% | 5 | Symphonic poem by Liszt | ||||||
noun • Italian poet who wrote an epic poem about the capture of Jerusalem during the First Crusade (1544-1595) | ||||||||
32% | 7 | Wrote the symphonic poem 'In the Steppes of Central Asia' | ||||||
noun • Russian composer (1833-1887) | ||||||||
Symphonic Poem Creator Crossword Clue
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Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times28 Oct 1998 | Down 12 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Authored the symphonic poem In the Steppes of Central Asia | |
2 | Composer who influenced the development of the symphonic poem | |
3 | Liszt symphonic poem
New York Times -
28 Apr 1995 | New York Times / 28 Apr 1995 |
4 | Symphonic-poem pioneer
New York Times -
08 Oct 1992 | New York Times / 08 Oct 1992 |
5 | Symphonic poem by Liszt
New York Times -
24 May 1981 | New York Times / 24 May 1981 |
6 | Symphonic poem by Varèse: 1965
New York Times -
17 Jan 1981 | New York Times / 17 Jan 1981 |
7 | Symphonic poem inventor
New York Times -
04 May 1997 | New York Times / 04 May 1997 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
"Mazeppa" composer
Symphonic poem inventor
Wagner's father-in-law
"Hungaria" composer
Hungarian composer and pianist
Noted man, last in series
Composer expressing an inclination
Hungarian composer's record heard
Musician's record in sound
Composer with acoustic pitch
Composer Franz
"A Faust Symphony" composer
Hark, we hear the composer
Composer's record mentioned on the radio
Composer heard in recital?
Hungarian pianist's record? Sounds like it
"Hungarian Rhapsodies" composer
Pianist and composer Cockneys associate with Brahms