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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 9 | OLDTIMERS | Exact Match! | |||||
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36% | 8 | Believed to have been used as sundials in the past | ||||||
noun • a stone pillar having a rectangular cross section tapering towards a pyramidal top • a character used in printing to indicate a second cross reference or footnote when the asterisk has already been used | ||||||||
32% | 4 | Years and years and years | ||||||
noun • the longest division of geological time • an immeasurably long period of time • (Gnosticism) a divine power or nature emanating from the Supreme Being and playing various roles in the operation of the universe | ||||||||
Sundials Theyve Been Around For Years
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OLDTIMERS which was last seen in the The Guardian Everyman crossword.
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Updated: October 15, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Everyman10 Nov 2013 | Down 16 | OLDTIMERS |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Believed to have been used as sundials in the past | |
2 | It spans from the formation of the Earth, around 4.6 billion years ago, to the beginning of the Cambrian Period, around 541 million years ago | |
3 | Latin catchphrase sometimes seen on sundials
New York Times -
27 Sep 2009 | New York Times / 27 Sep 2009 |
4 | Numeral on some sundials
New York Times -
14 Sep 2023 | New York Times / 14 Sep 2023 |
5 | Shadow casters of sundials
Telegraph Herculis -
07 Aug 2023 | Telegraph Herculis / 07 Aug 2023 |
6 | Sundials?
New York Times -
16 Mar 1995 | New York Times / 16 Mar 1995 |
7 | Years and years and years
New York Times -
13 Nov 1980 | New York Times / 13 Nov 1980 |