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97% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • any of various thin shiny (savory or sweet) coatings applied to foods • a glossy finish on a fabric • a coating for ceramics, metal, etc. verb • coat with a glaze • become glassy or take on a glass-like appearance • furnish with glass • coat with something sweet, such as a hard sugar glaze | ||||||||
96% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • the formation of frost or ice on a surface • a flavored sugar topping used to coat and decorate cakes • (ice hockey) the act of shooting the puck from within your own defensive area the length of the rink beyond the opponent's goal | ||||||||
32% | 7 | Without sugarcoating | ||||||
adverb • in a blunt direct manner | ||||||||
Sugarcoating Crossword Clue
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Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times25 Nov 2005 | Down 44 | |
New York Times25 Nov 2005 | Down 46 | |
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