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99% | 3 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • an insecticide that is also toxic to animals and humans; banned in the United States since 1972 | ||||||||
41% | 6 | Nobelist in Physiology or Medicine: 1954 | ||||||
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37% | 7 | Winner of the 1923 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine | ||||||
noun • wild ox of the Malay Archipelago • Canadian physiologist who discovered insulin with C. H. Best and who used it to treat diabetes (1891-1941) | ||||||||
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New York Times04 Jan 2012 | Down 49 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | 1988 American Nobelist in Physiology or Medicine who helped develop the first drug used to fight rejection in organ transplants
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08 Mar 2022 | New York Times / 08 Mar 2022 |
2 | British physiologist who shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1963 | |
3 | Nobelist in Physiology: 1970
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16 Aug 1982 | New York Times / 16 Aug 1982 |
4 | Nobelist in Physiology or Medicine: 1954
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07 Jun 1981 | New York Times / 07 Jun 1981 |
5 | Recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1948 | |
6 | Subj. of the 1962 Nobel Prize in Medicine
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09 May 1999 | New York Times / 09 May 1999 |
7 | Substance whose primary use earned its discoverer the 1948 Nobel Prize in Physiology - but is now banned
New York Times -
13 Sep 2019 | New York Times / 13 Sep 2019 |