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99% | 4 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • an elementary particle with a negative charge and a half-life of 2 microsecond; decays to electron and neutrino and antineutrino | ||||||||
47% | 13 | Subatomic elementary particle with a mass greater than an electron | ||||||
noun • any of the elementary particles having a mass equal to or greater than that of a proton and that participate in strong interactions; a hadron with a baryon number of +1 | ||||||||
43% | 8 | Subatomic particle with the same mass as an electron but opposite charge | ||||||
noun • the antiparticle of a muon; decays to positron and neutrino and antineutrino | ||||||||
Subatomic Particle More Massive Than An Electron Crossword Clue
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New York Times06 Dec 2013 | Down 6 | |
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