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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • distinctive manner of oral expression • special importance or significance • the usage or vocabulary that is characteristic of a specific group of people • the relative prominence of a syllable or musical note (especially with regard to stress or pitch) • a diacritical mark used to indicate stress or placed above a vowel to indicate a special pronunciation verb • to stress, single out as important • put stress on; utter with an accent | ||||||||
34% | 5 | Regional dialect | ||||||
noun • a manner of speaking that is natural to native speakers of a language • the usage or vocabulary that is characteristic of a specific group of people • the style of a particular artist or school or movement • an expression whose meanings cannot be inferred from the meanings of the words that make it up | ||||||||
34% | 6 | Regional dialect | ||||||
noun • a characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves) • a regional dialect of a language (especially French); usually considered substandard | ||||||||
Stress Regional Dialect
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ACCENT which was last seen in the The Guardian Quick crossword.
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Updated: October 13, 2023
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The Guardian Quick10 Aug 2000 | Across 4 | |
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