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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 7 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a tax imposed on ships that enter the US; based on the tonnage of the ship | ||||||||
33% | 8 | No charge for stowing such property as cargo? | ||||||
noun • an estate held in fee simple or for life • tenure by which land is held in fee simple or for life | ||||||||
33% | 7 | Supports elevated places for stowing cargo | ||||||
verb • keep or maintain in unaltered condition; cause to remain or last • stand up for; stick up for; of causes, principles, or ideals • support against an opponent | ||||||||
Stowing Silver 1000Kg Carrying Capacity
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TONNAGE which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 14, 2023
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Wave to ship for a rideNot exact, but so far to travel
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Cryptic25 Oct 2021 | Across 25 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Carrying capacity of a ship
New York Times -
15 Nov 1982 | New York Times / 15 Nov 1982 |
2 | Car with a big carrying capacity, informally
New York Times -
12 Apr 2010 | New York Times / 12 Apr 2010 |
3 | Hatch of a ship or aircraft used for stowing goods | |
4 | Investigate fellow found stowing away in hold
The Guardian Cryptic -
30 Jun 2011 | The Guardian Cryptic / 30 Jun 2011 |
5 | No charge for stowing such property as cargo?
The Guardian Cryptic -
22 Mar 2001 | The Guardian Cryptic / 22 Mar 2001 |
6 | Spot for stowing suitcases in a car | |
7 | Supports elevated places for stowing cargo
The Guardian Cryptic -
03 Nov 2003 | The Guardian Cryptic / 03 Nov 2003 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Carrying capacity of a ship
Ship's cargo capacity
Vessel's capacity
Freight weight
Measure of cargo space
Carrying capacity of cargo ships
Cargo weight
Weight of cargo — ship's carrying capacity
No agent (anag)
As entered by shipping agent on order?
Ship's cargo capacity
Vessel's capacity
Freight weight
Measure of cargo space
Carrying capacity of cargo ships
Cargo weight
Weight of cargo — ship's carrying capacity
No agent (anag)
As entered by shipping agent on order?
Ship's carrying capacity
Main bulk of sound enveloping The Trout?
Ship's size or carrying capacity
Pick at sound bags, as weight carried on ship
Torment breaks character — how much can one bear?
Ship's capacity
Weight of silver in 1,000kg
Duty put Harry in mood
Maritime duty is not overturned by new generation
In temper, find fault with weight
Main bulk of sound enveloping The Trout?
Ship's size or carrying capacity
Pick at sound bags, as weight carried on ship
Torment breaks character — how much can one bear?
Ship's capacity
Weight of silver in 1,000kg
Duty put Harry in mood
Maritime duty is not overturned by new generation
In temper, find fault with weight