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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • an immovable joint (especially between the bones of the skull) • a seam used in surgery • thread of catgut or silk or wire used by surgeons to stitch tissues together verb • join with a suture | ||||||||
43% | 9 | Suturing a wound | ||||||
noun • joining or attaching by stitches | ||||||||
32% | 11 | Process of stitching or sewing up a wound | ||||||
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Stitching For A Wound
There is 1 exact and 107 possible answers.
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SUTURE which was last seen in the The Guardian Quick crossword.
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Updated: October 13, 2023
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Clue Last Found In...
Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Quick20 Dec 2010 | Across 1 | |
The Guardian Quick16 Aug 2010 | Across 23 | |
This clue was last seen in the publications above.
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Does some stitching
New York Times Bonus -
01 Oct 2023 | New York Times Bonus / 01 Oct 2023 |
2 | From the Latin for “sew”, a seam; the stitching of a wound; the thread etc used for this; or, a line of union
Telegraph Giant General Knowledge -
26 Aug 2023 | Telegraph Giant General Knowledge / 26 Aug 2023 |
3 | It's wound round a wound
Telegraph Cross Atlantic -
25 Sep 2024 | Telegraph Cross Atlantic / 25 Sep 2024 |
4 | Mend by stitching - damn!
The Guardian Quick -
19 Apr 2001 | The Guardian Quick / 19 Apr 2001 |
5 | Process of stitching up a surgical wound | |
6 | Some need stitching
New York Times -
16 Apr 2000 | New York Times / 16 Apr 2000 |
7 | The action of bringing together the edges of a wound and stitching them |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Surgeon's sewing thread
Medical stitching
Type of stitch
Surgeon's work
Surgeon's thread
Put in stitches
Sew up, as a wound
Stitch up
Surgeon's closing line?
Stitch uterus after an operation
Medical stitching
Type of stitch
Surgeon's work
Surgeon's thread
Put in stitches
Sew up, as a wound
Stitch up
Surgeon's closing line?
Stitch uterus after an operation
Surgery stitch
Certain to restrain organised workers in a stitch-up
Surgical seam
Surgeon’s stitch
Surgeon's stitch
Tense, but succeeded replacing fine stitching
Surgical thread
From the Latin for “sew”, a seam; the stitching of a wound; the thread etc used for this; or, a line of union
Sew up in surgery
Surgeon's stitch
Certain to restrain organised workers in a stitch-up
Surgical seam
Surgeon’s stitch
Surgeon's stitch
Tense, but succeeded replacing fine stitching
Surgical thread
From the Latin for “sew”, a seam; the stitching of a wound; the thread etc used for this; or, a line of union
Sew up in surgery
Surgeon's stitch