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99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
adjective • deficient in quantity or number compared with the demand adverb • only a very short time before • almost not | ||||||||
33% | 9 | Like the dust in a dust storm | ||||||
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32% | 7 | Christian hoarding treasure primarily after gold, as money expert | ||||||
noun • someone who listens attentively • a student who attends a course but does not take it for credit • a qualified accountant who inspects the accounting records and practices of a business or other organization | ||||||||
Start Hoarding Chilean Capital Like Gold Dust
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SCARCE which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 14, 2023
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Irony of lake's contribution to climate change?Place for making alcohol from fish covered in blubber
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Cryptic18 Jul 2019 | Down 6 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Christian hoarding treasure primarily after gold, as money expert
The Guardian Cryptic -
22 Dec 2011 | The Guardian Cryptic / 22 Dec 2011 |
2 | Irish individual hoarding gold, a tradable commodity
The Guardian Cryptic -
22 Aug 2012 | The Guardian Cryptic / 22 Aug 2012 |
3 | Like the dust in a dust storm
New York Times -
27 Jan 2009 | New York Times / 27 Jan 2009 |
4 | Rat-like creature known for its hoarding instinct | |
5 | Speculator, one believing in hoarding gold
The Guardian Cryptic -
06 Jun 2022 | The Guardian Cryptic / 06 Jun 2022 |
6 | This Chilean tree is also known as the Chilean cedar | |
7 | Woman hoarding gold wrote badly in place of academic
The Guardian Cryptic -
11 Feb 2019 | The Guardian Cryptic / 11 Feb 2019 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Like hens' teeth
Like the nene
Like farmland in Ethiopia
Like hen's teeth
Hard to get
Hard to find
In short supply
Like the nene
Like farmland in Ethiopia
Like hen's teeth
Hard to get
Hard to find
In short supply
Like cabs on a rainy day
Numismatist's description
Like capital letters in many E. E. Cummings poems
A blemish on the church is seldom found
Panic, being about a hundred short
Few would deface church
Hood lacks subdominant character, which is rare
Vehicle blocking middle of descent, so hard to come by
Numismatist's description
Like capital letters in many E. E. Cummings poems
A blemish on the church is seldom found
Panic, being about a hundred short
Few would deface church
Hood lacks subdominant character, which is rare
Vehicle blocking middle of descent, so hard to come by