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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • the brightest star in Cygnus | ||||||||
51% | 6 | The Swan Nebula is an emission nebula located in it | ||||||
noun • a constellation in the Northern Hemisphere between Pegasus and Draco in the Milky Way; contains a black hole • a genus of Anatidae, containing the swans (Cygnus) | ||||||||
51% | 7 | Some of the most famous ones include the Orion Nebula and the Crab Nebula | ||||||
noun • a medicinal liquid preparation intended for use in an atomizer • cloudiness of the urine • an immense cloud of gas (mainly hydrogen) and dust in interstellar space • (pathology) a faint cloudy spot on the cornea | ||||||||
Star Inside Nebula Not Entirely Detectable
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DENEB which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 14, 2023
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The Guardian Cryptic01 Sep 2016 | Across 24 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | A diacritic in the form of a small dot over a lower-case i or j, hence a word for an iota, jot or other tiny or scarcely detectable amount
Telegraph Giant General Knowledge -
26 Aug 2023 | Telegraph Giant General Knowledge / 26 Aug 2023 |
2 | A path, route or way taken; a footprint; a vestige; or, a scarcely detectable amount of rain
Telegraph Giant General Knowledge -
06 May 2023 | Telegraph Giant General Knowledge / 06 May 2023 |
3 | Contains a notable nebula called the Triangulum Australe Nebula | |
4 | Material detectable in the ground
The Guardian Quick -
17 Oct 2003 | The Guardian Quick / 17 Oct 2003 |
5 | Star inside nebula
The Guardian Cryptic -
27 Jan 2004 | The Guardian Cryptic / 27 Jan 2004 |
6 | The Swan Nebula is an emission nebula located in it | |
7 | ___ Carinae (a star and its nebula)
New York Times -
13 Mar 1993 | New York Times / 13 Mar 1993 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Star in Cygnus
Huge star in Cygnus
Bright star in Cygnus
Cygnus star
Cygnus shiner
Supergiant in Cygnus
1Bow welcoming Orient's rising star
First-magnitude star in Cygnus
Blue supergiant known as Alpha Cygni
Star inside nebula
Huge star in Cygnus
Bright star in Cygnus
Cygnus star
Cygnus shiner
Supergiant in Cygnus
1Bow welcoming Orient's rising star
First-magnitude star in Cygnus
Blue supergiant known as Alpha Cygni
Star inside nebula
Star in the constellation Cygnus
Valley-born star
With Altair and Vega, it forms the Summer Triangle
Brightest star in Cygnus
Star in the Summer Triangle
Star in the Swan constellation
Summer Triangle star
One vertex of the Summer Triangle
One of three stars in the Summer Triangle
One of the vertices of the Summer Triangle
Valley-born star
With Altair and Vega, it forms the Summer Triangle
Brightest star in Cygnus
Star in the Summer Triangle
Star in the Swan constellation
Summer Triangle star
One vertex of the Summer Triangle
One of three stars in the Summer Triangle
One of the vertices of the Summer Triangle