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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • one who suffers for the sake of principle • one who voluntarily suffers death as the penalty for refusing to renounce their religion verb • kill as a martyr • torture and torment like a martyr | ||||||||
32% | 9 | Title of a 1997 film directed by Agnès Varda | ||||||
noun • any of various composite shrubs or herbs of the genus Artemisia having aromatic green or greyish foliage | ||||||||
32% | 6 | Notable works include 'Agnes Bernauer' and 'Judith' | ||||||
noun • German dramatist (1813-1863) | ||||||||
St Ignatius Or St Agnes
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MARTYR which was last seen in the New York Times Bonus crossword.
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Updated: October 11, 2023
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Lend-__ aid, authorized by Congress March 27, 1941"The Women" playwright, born March 10
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Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times Bonus01 Mar 1997 | Down 15 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Follower of Ignatius Loyola
New York Times -
08 Aug 1997 | New York Times / 08 Aug 1997 |
2 | Founder of the Agnes de Mille Dance Theatre | |
3 | Ignatius J. ___, protagonist in "A Confederacy of Dunces"
New York Times -
08 Jun 2019 | New York Times / 08 Jun 2019 |
4 | Like Ignatius J. Reilly in "A Confederacy of Dunces"
New York Times -
04 Jul 2021 | New York Times / 04 Jul 2021 |
5 | Member of the Order of the Canons Regular of the Mount of St. Agnes | |
6 | St. Ignatius of ___
New York Times -
17 Aug 1980 | New York Times / 17 Aug 1980 |
7 | St. Ignatius of —
Eugene Sheffer -
05 Jun 2021 | Eugene Sheffer / 05 Jun 2021 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
St. Sebastian, for one
St. Sebastian was one
St. Stephen, e.g.
St. Joan, for one
Stephen or Peter, e.g.
Saint Sebastian, e.g.
Saint, maybe
Joan of Arc, e.g.
Person dying for a cause
Persecute damage on rubber ring, mainly
St. Sebastian was one
St. Stephen, e.g.
St. Joan, for one
Stephen or Peter, e.g.
Saint Sebastian, e.g.
Saint, maybe
Joan of Arc, e.g.
Person dying for a cause
Persecute damage on rubber ring, mainly
One with a good reason for being late
One suffering or dying for cause
Real bitter-ender
St. Stephen, in the Bible
One suffering or dying for a cause
Sufferer from public transport going over unknown runs
One exaggerating distress caused by damage to most of feature on car
One suffering for a cause
Ross's leader following his follower, mostly one that suffers
St. Stephen, notably
One suffering or dying for cause
Real bitter-ender
St. Stephen, in the Bible
One suffering or dying for a cause
Sufferer from public transport going over unknown runs
One exaggerating distress caused by damage to most of feature on car
One suffering for a cause
Ross's leader following his follower, mostly one that suffers
St. Stephen, notably