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99% | 15 | GOFASTERSTRIPES | Exact Match! | |||||
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32% | 10 | Sporty clothing set | ||||||
noun • A garment, usually consisting of a top and trousers (commonly known as tracksuit bottoms) worn as an outer layer by participants in sporting events such as athletics. The tracksuit is usually designed to be easily removed or replaced, before or after competing. Tracksuits have also been adopted in some cultures as leisurewear. | ||||||||
30% | 10 | A gear that meshes with the sun gear in an epicyclic gear train | ||||||
noun • an outer gear that revolves about a central sun gear of an epicyclic train | ||||||||
Sports Gear If Set Out Is A Sporty Adornment
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GOFASTERSTRIPES which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 14, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Cryptic17 Nov 2021 | Down 7 | GOFASTERSTRIPES |
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