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99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
verb • To make a high-pitched, short and somewhat sharp sound. • (submarine navigation) To emit a signal and then listen for its echo in order to detect objects. • To send a packet in order to determine whether a host is present, particularly by use of the ping utility. • (by extension) To send an email or other message to someone in hopes of eliciting a response. • To flick. • To bounce. • To cause something to bounce. • To call out audibly. • To penalize. | ||||||||
27% | 6 | Sounded like a combination of singing and singing-like sounds | ||||||
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24% | 5 | Sonar, in England | ||||||
noun • a measuring instrument that sends out an acoustic pulse in water and measures distances in terms of the time for the echo of the pulse to return | ||||||||
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New York Times22 Sep 2001 | Down 5 | |
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4 | Sonar principle
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5 | Sonar sounds
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18 Nov 2002 | New York Times / 18 Nov 2002 |
6 | Sounded like a combination of singing and singing-like sounds | |
7 | Use of technology like sonar and robots |