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99% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a repetitive song in which as many syllables as necessary are assigned to a single tone verb • recite with musical intonation; recite as a chant or a psalm • utter monotonously and repetitively and rhythmically | ||||||||
37% | 4 | Lamasery member | ||||||
noun • a male religious living in a cloister and devoting himself to contemplation and prayer and work • United States jazz pianist who was one of the founders of the bebop style (1917-1982) | ||||||||
18% | 9 | Alters a sound to create a vowel sound rather than a consonant sound | ||||||
verb • pronounce as a vowel | ||||||||
Sound In A Lamasery Crossword Clue
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New York Times30 Dec 2014 | Across 50 | |
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