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99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a female person who has the same parents as another person • (Roman Catholic Church) a title given to a nun (and used as a form of address) • a female person who is a fellow member of a sorority or labor union or other group | ||||||||
44% | 8 | Named after Queen Elizabeth I, the Virgin Queen | ||||||
noun • a state in the eastern United States; one of the original 13 colonies; one of the Confederate States in the American Civil War • one of the British colonies that formed the United States, with capital Jamestown or Williamsburg • a town in northeastern Minnesota in the heart of the Mesabi Range | ||||||||
44% | 9 | Named after Queen Elizabeth I, the 'Virgin Queen' | ||||||
noun • a state in the eastern United States; one of the original 13 colonies; one of the Confederate States in the American Civil War • one of the British colonies that formed the United States, with capital Jamestown or Williamsburg • a town in northeastern Minnesota in the heart of the Mesabi Range | ||||||||
Son First To Meet Virgin Queen And Nun
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SISTER which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 15, 2023
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The Guardian Cryptic02 Oct 2023 | Down 8 | |
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