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99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a small hole (usually round and finished around the edges) in cloth or leather for the passage of a cord or hook or bar • fastener consisting of a metal ring for lining a small hole to permit the attachment of cords or lines • fabric decorated with small holes with finely stitched edges that form an ornamental pattern. | ||||||||
34% | 10 | Referring to materials that can be drawn or stretched out through a small hole | ||||||
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34% | 7 | A small cord or ribbon passed through a hole in a garment for fastening or securing something | ||||||
noun • a cord with an attached hook that is used to fire certain types of cannon • a cord worn around the neck to hold a knife or whistle • (nautical) a line used for extending or fastening rigging on ships | ||||||||
Small Hole For A Lace Or Cord To Be Drawn Through
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EYELET which was last seen in the The Guardian Speedy crossword.
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Updated: October 15, 2023
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The Guardian Speedy16 Jan 2022 | Down 15 | |
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Similar Clues
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1 | A small cord or ribbon passed through a hole in a garment for fastening or securing something | |
2 | Hole for a lace or cord
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3 | Referring to materials that can be drawn or stretched out through a small hole | |
4 | Small hole (for lace)
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5 | Small hole for lace
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6 | Small hole through which a cord is passed
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