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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a facial expression characterized by turning up the corners of the mouth; usually shows pleasure or amusement verb • change one's facial expression by spreading the lips, often to signal pleasure • express with a smile | ||||||||
48% | 4 | Show one's pearly whites | ||||||
noun • a facial expression characterized by turning up the corners of the mouth; usually shows pleasure or amusement verb • to draw back the lips and reveal the teeth, in a smile, grimace, or snarl | ||||||||
48% | 7 | They show off their pearly whites | ||||||
noun • a person who smiles • the human face (`kisser' and `smiler' and `mug' are informal terms for `face' and `phiz' is British) | ||||||||
Show Ones Pearly Whites
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SMILE which was last seen in the New York Times Bonus crossword.
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Updated: October 31, 2023
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Clue Last Found In...
Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times Bonus01 Nov 2023 | Across 73 | |
New York Times30 Jul 1998 | Down 8 | |
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