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99% | 4 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a small restaurant where drinks and snacks are sold | ||||||||
38% | 5 | Subject of paintings by Corot and Manet | ||||||
noun • a large fishnet that hangs vertically, with floats at the top and weights at the bottom • a French river that flows through the heart of Paris and then northward into the English Channel verb • fish with a seine; catch fish with a seine | ||||||||
35% | 9 | Given name of the painter Manet | ||||||
noun • (New Testament) one of the three sages from the east who came bearing gifts for the infant Jesus, an Arabian scholar whose gift was myrrh | ||||||||
Setting For Many Manet Paintings Of The Bourgeoisie Crossword Clue
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New York Times08 May 2020 | Across 47 | |
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1 | Given name of the painter Manet | |
2 | Influenced many later artists, including Picasso and Manet | |
3 | Many, many, many, many, many moons
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28 Jan 2019 | New York Times / 28 Jan 2019 |
4 | Setting for many van Gogh paintings
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07 May 2014 | New York Times / 07 May 2014 |
5 | Subject of paintings by Corot and Manet
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02 May 2010 | New York Times / 02 May 2010 |
6 | Tiers ___ (bourgeoisie)
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15 Nov 1984 | New York Times / 15 Nov 1984 |
7 | ___ bourgeoisie (gentry)
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