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99% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • an opening that permits escape or release • euphemistic expressions for death • the act of going out verb • move out of or depart from • lose the lead • pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life | ||||||||
31% | 9 | Departures to see Mona Lisa taken out around end of Louvre | ||||||
noun • deviation from the normal or common order or form or rule • a person who is unusual • (astronomy) position of a planet as defined by its angular distance from its perihelion (as observed from the sun) | ||||||||
27% | 8 | Mass departures from previous mix of uniform doses | ||||||
noun • A sudden departure of a large number of people. | ||||||||
Set Out Covering Team Departures
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EXITS which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: January 7, 2025
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The Guardian Cryptic07 Nov 2024 | Down 3 | |
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2 | Departures
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17 Aug 1980 | New York Times / 17 Aug 1980 |
3 | Departures could be set about eleven
The Guardian Cryptic -
17 Dec 2012 | The Guardian Cryptic / 17 Dec 2012 |
4 | Departures to see Mona Lisa taken out around end of Louvre
The Guardian Cryptic -
18 Jan 2002 | The Guardian Cryptic / 18 Jan 2002 |
5 | Like many departures
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02 May 1998 | New York Times / 02 May 1998 |
6 | Meaning “he/she goes out”, word for departures, such as those from theatre stages, motorways or life
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09 Sep 2023 | Telegraph Giant General Knowledge / 09 Sep 2023 |
7 | Property of a set in which every point inside the set has a neighborhood completely contained in the set |