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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 8 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • an arm of the Mediterranean between Slovenia and Croatia and Montenegro and Albania on the east and Italy on the west | ||||||||
33% | 11 | Sea route between the East China Sea and the Sea of Japan | ||||||
noun • a strait between Korea and Japan; connects the East China Sea and the East Sea | ||||||||
27% | 7 | The Suez Canal connects the Mediterranean Sea with this sea to the east | ||||||
adjective • relating to or associated with Arabia or its people • of or relating to Arabian horses noun • a member of a Semitic people originally from the Arabian peninsula and surrounding territories who speaks Arabic and who inhabits much of the Middle East and northern Africa • a spirited graceful and intelligent riding horse native to Arabia | ||||||||
Sea To The East Of Italy
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ADRIATIC which was last seen in the The Guardian Quick crossword.
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Updated: October 13, 2023
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The Guardian Quick01 May 2014 | Down 13 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Capital 175 miles east of Venice, Italy
New York Times -
03 Dec 2017 | New York Times / 03 Dec 2017 |
2 | Sea between Italy and Greece
New York Times -
24 Nov 1996 | New York Times / 24 Nov 1996 |
3 | Sea east of the Sulu Sea
New York Times -
01 Nov 1991 | New York Times / 01 Nov 1991 |
4 | Sea route between the East China Sea and the Sea of Japan | |
5 | The Suez Canal connects the Mediterranean Sea with this sea to the east | |
6 | Wine from west part of east Italy?
The Guardian Cryptic -
31 May 2004 | The Guardian Cryptic / 31 May 2004 |
7 | ___ Sea, body of water south of Italy
New York Times -
18 Nov 2013 | New York Times / 18 Nov 2013 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Expanse west of Albania
Mediterranean sea arm
Croatia's sea
The Strait of Otranto connects to it
An arm of the Mediterranean
Montenegro's locale
The main threat to Venice: mad raid by heartless Greek
Triad involvement with CIA between Italy and Albania
Roman emperor's endless automatic action in waters off Italy
Sea a tad icy in reality, starts out cold
Mediterranean sea arm
Croatia's sea
The Strait of Otranto connects to it
An arm of the Mediterranean
Montenegro's locale
The main threat to Venice: mad raid by heartless Greek
Triad involvement with CIA between Italy and Albania
Roman emperor's endless automatic action in waters off Italy
Sea a tad icy in reality, starts out cold
Sea between Italy and the Balkans
Detail both a weed and a parasite in sea
Sea seen from Bari
Croatia is on it
SS ___, onetime flagship of the White Star Line
Sea facing Venice
Sea raid, act deployed to gain island
Long arm of the eastern Mediterranean
____ Sea, arm of the Mediterranean
CIA battling with triad in the sea
Detail both a weed and a parasite in sea
Sea seen from Bari
Croatia is on it
SS ___, onetime flagship of the White Star Line
Sea facing Venice
Sea raid, act deployed to gain island
Long arm of the eastern Mediterranean
____ Sea, arm of the Mediterranean
CIA battling with triad in the sea