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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 8 | STARTREK | Exact Match! | |||||
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43% | 12 | Agathodaimon disbanded in 2009 but reunited in 2016 | ||||||
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42% | 6 | Rank held by General Philip M. Breedlove (2013–2016) | ||||||
noun • commanding officer of ACE; NATO's senior military commander in Europe | ||||||||
Sci Fi Series That Released Summer Blockbusters In 2009 2013 And 2016
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STARTREK which was last seen in the Eugene Sheffer crossword.
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Updated: October 11, 2023
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Court divider
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Source | #Number | Answer |
Eugene Sheffer29 Jun 2023 | Down 29 | STARTREK |
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TV space program
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Raison d'être of many annual conventions
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Popular movie series
Extraterrestrial journey
TV sci-fi series
Voyage for Kirk and Spock
Shatner-Nimoy vehicle
Long-running TV series
Captain Picard series
Raison d'être of many annual conventions
Noted TV debut of 9/8/66
Popular movie series
Extraterrestrial journey
Space program
TV series with Klingons and Romulans
TV show with the most spinoffs, according to the Guinness Book
Successful film franchise starting in 1979
TV series to kick off on the subject of potassium
1979 film with sequels II to VI
1960s TV series with numerous spinoffs
Kirk, Spock et al on TV
Sci-fi shows celebrity to take long, hard journey
TV series open about king
TV series with Klingons and Romulans
TV show with the most spinoffs, according to the Guinness Book
Successful film franchise starting in 1979
TV series to kick off on the subject of potassium
1979 film with sequels II to VI
1960s TV series with numerous spinoffs
Kirk, Spock et al on TV
Sci-fi shows celebrity to take long, hard journey
TV series open about king