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99% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • any of a class of solid or semisolid viscous substances obtained either as exudations from certain plants or prepared by polymerization of simple molecules | ||||||||
31% | 12 | A type of coniferous tree native to North Africa | ||||||
noun • large coniferous evergreen tree of North Africa and Spain having flattened branches and scalelike leaves yielding a hard fragrant wood; bark yields a resin used in varnishes | ||||||||
27% | 9 | Obtained from the sandarac tree | ||||||
noun • durable fragrant wood; used in building (as in the roof of the cathedral at Cordova, Spain) • a brittle and faintly aromatic translucent resin used in varnishes • large coniferous evergreen tree of North Africa and Spain having flattened branches and scalelike leaves yielding a hard fragrant wood; bark yields a resin used in varnishes | ||||||||
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New York Times23 May 1986 | Across 21 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Also known as the sandarac tree | |
2 | Gugal or sandarac
New York Times -
17 Jan 1980 | New York Times / 17 Jan 1980 |
3 | Produces a resin called sandarac | |
4 | Sandarac
New York Times -
27 Jun 1980 | New York Times / 27 Jun 1980 |
5 | Sandarac or gugal
New York Times -
04 Nov 1980 | New York Times / 04 Nov 1980 |
6 | Sandarac tree
New York Times -
14 Jul 1976 | New York Times / 14 Jul 1976 |
7 | Sandarac trees
New York Times -
10 Mar 1976 | New York Times / 10 Mar 1976 |