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Sailor Absorbed By Issue One Cant Sink Lower Than That Crossword Clue

There is 1 exact and 139 possible answers.
We've checked our database and believe the answer is SEABED which was last seen in the The Guardian Quiptic crossword.
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We think the answer to this crossword clue is: SEABED

Best Possible Answers

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99%6Exact Match!

• the bottom of a sea or ocean

34%3 To sink or lower into a lower position

• a depression in an otherwise level surface

• (physics) the angle that a magnetic needle makes with the plane of the horizon

• a thief who steals from the pockets or purses of others in public places

• tasty mixture or liquid into which bite-sized foods are dipped

• a brief immersion

• a sudden sharp decrease in some quantity

• a candle that is made by repeated dipping in a pool of wax or tallow

• a brief swim in water

• a gymnastic exercise on the parallel bars in which the body is lowered and raised by bending and straightening the arms


• immerse briefly into a liquid so as to wet, coat, or saturate

• dip into a liquid while eating

• go down momentarily

• stain an object by immersing it in a liquid

• take a small amount from

• switch (a car's headlights) from a higher to a lower beam

• lower briefly

• appear to move downward

• slope downwards

• dip into a liquid

• place (candle wicks) into hot, liquid wax

• immerse in a disinfectant solution

• plunge (one's hand or a receptacle) into a container

• scoop up by plunging one's hand or a ladle below the surface

32%12 Medical term for a condition where the intestines fall down or sink lower than their usual position

• an abnormally downward position of the intestines in the abdominal cavity

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Clue Last Found In...

Source #Number Answer
The Guardian Quiptic16 Aug 2021 Across 10
This clue was last seen in the publications above.

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