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99% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • the state prevailing during the absence of war • harmonious relations; freedom from disputes • the absence of mental stress or anxiety • the general security of public places • a treaty to cease hostilities | ||||||||
40% | 6 | Treaty result | ||||||
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32% | 12 | The failure of this crusade led to a peace treaty known as the Treaty of Jaffa | ||||||
noun • a Crusade under papal control from 1218 to 1221 that achieved military victories but failed when dissension arose over accepting the terms they had been offered | ||||||||
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New York Times12 Jul 2004 | Down 24 | |
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4 | The failure of this crusade led to a peace treaty known as the Treaty of Jaffa | |
5 | The peace treaty that ended this war was the Treaty of Castillon in 1453 | |
6 | Treaty result
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