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99% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a repetitive song in which as many syllables as necessary are assigned to a single tone verb • recite with musical intonation; recite as a chant or a psalm • utter monotonously and repetitively and rhythmically | ||||||||
25% | 9 | Repetitive song, after fashion, endlessly incisive | ||||||
adjective satellite • having keenness and forcefulness and penetration in thought, expression, or intellect • characterized by or full of force and vigor • clearly or sharply defined to the mind | ||||||||
25% | 8 | Write song that's repetitive, showing weakness | ||||||
noun • a strong liking | ||||||||
Repetitive Song By Football Fans
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CHANT which was last seen in the The Guardian Quick crossword.
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Updated: October 13, 2023
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The Guardian Quick03 Aug 2021 | Down 18 | |
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2 | Famous for its passionate college football fans, especially during LSU games | |
3 | Fans of cricket and football | |
4 | Football's Crimson Tide, to fans
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5 | New York football team, to fans
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6 | Repetitive song, after fashion, endlessly incisive
The Guardian Everyman -
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7 | Write song that's repetitive, showing weakness
The Guardian Everyman -
13 May 2018 | The Guardian Everyman / 13 May 2018 |