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99% | 4 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • (computer science) a graphic symbol (usually a simple picture) that denotes a program or a command or a data file or a concept in a graphical user interface • a visual representation (of an object or scene or person or abstraction) produced on a surface • a conventional religious painting in oil on a small wooden panel; venerated in the Eastern Church | ||||||||
32% | 6 | Figurine used in religious rituals | ||||||
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29% | 7 | Figurine used in Hopi religious ceremonies | ||||||
noun • a masked dancer during a Pueblo religious ceremony who is thought to embody some particular spirit • a deified spirit of the Pueblo people • a carved doll wearing the costume of a particular Pueblo spirit; usually presented to a child as a gift | ||||||||
Religious Figurine Crossword Clue
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New York Times09 Jan 1989 | Across 18 | |
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