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99% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • The part of the foot between the tibia and fibula and the metatarsus. • Any of the seven bones in this part of the foot. • A plate of dense connective tissue found in each eyelid, attached to either the superior tarsal muscle (in the upper eyelid) or inferior tarsal muscle (lower eyelid), which aid with sympathetic control. • In insects and other arthropods, any of a series of articulations in the true foot; the last joint forming the foot in spiders. | ||||||||
32% | 8 | Closely related to the rice rat and hispid cotton rat | ||||||
noun • American cotton rats | ||||||||
31% | 11 | Bones connecting the distal row of carpal bones to the metacarpal bones | ||||||
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Rat Is Gnawing Bones
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TARSI which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 14, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Cryptic06 Nov 2009 | Down 24 | |
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Similar Clues
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2 | Gnawing animal
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3 | Gnawing mammal
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4 | Rat or rat — it could be?
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5 | Small gnawing mammal
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6 | The black rat snake is a subspecies of the rat snake. | |
7 | The musky rat-kangaroo is also known as the mosaic-tailed rat-kangaroo |