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99% | 8 | NO CIGAR | Exact Match! | |||||
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37% | 11 | Worshipping an idol or idol-like figure | ||||||
noun • the act of admiring strongly • the act of worshiping blindly and to excess | ||||||||
37% | 5 | A K-pop fanfiction term referring to a romantic relationship between a younger male idol and an older female idol | ||||||
noun • used by males to address an older female | ||||||||
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There is 1 exact and 133 possible answers.
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NO CIGAR which was last seen in the Telegraph Toughie crossword.
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Updated: October 12, 2023
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Clue Last Found In...
Source | #Number | Answer |
Telegraph Toughie30 Mar 2023 | Down 4 | NO CIGAR |
This clue was last seen in the publications above.
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Similar Clues
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2 | 1958 hit song that begins "I'm a-gonna raise a fuss, I'm a-gonna raise a holler"
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03 Mar 2017 | New York Times / 03 Mar 2017 |
3 | A K-pop fanfiction term referring to a romantic relationship between a younger male idol and an older female idol | |
4 | A raise may raise it
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16 Jan 2009 | New York Times / 16 Jan 2009 |
5 | City about which Gertrude Stein said "There is no there there"
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20 Sep 2015 | New York Times / 20 Sep 2015 |
6 | Gertrude who wrote "There is no there there"
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27 Oct 2017 | New York Times Mini / 27 Oct 2017 |
7 | Worshipping an idol or idol-like figure |