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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 3 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a person belonging to the worldwide group claiming descent from Jacob (or converted to it) and connected by cultural or religious ties | ||||||||
26% | 5 | Name commonly given to boys born on the Jewish holiday of Purim | ||||||
noun • (Old Testament) the second patriarch; son of Abraham and Sarah who was offered by Abraham as a sacrifice to God; father of Jacob and Esau | ||||||||
26% | 5 | Shushan Purim is the day after this holiday | ||||||
noun • (Judaism) a Jewish holy day commemorating their deliverance from massacre by Haman | ||||||||
Purim Observer
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JEW which was last seen in the Eugene Sheffer crossword.
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Updated: February 11, 2024
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Source | #Number | Answer |
Eugene Sheffer12 Feb 2024 | Down 50 | |
Eugene Sheffer11 Apr 2022 | Down 50 | |
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Similar Clues
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2 | Heroine of Purim
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3 | O.T. book read during Purim
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4 | Purim is one
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5 | The month chosen by King Ahasuerus for the genocide of Jews (in the story of Purim) | |
6 | The month when Purim is celebrated | |
7 | Villain in the Jewish holiday of Purim
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21 Apr 2015 | New York Times Mini / 21 Apr 2015 |