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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
97% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
adjective satellite • nervous and unable to relax • causing an irritating cutaneous sensation; being affect with an itch | ||||||||
90% | 10 | Causing annoyance or vexation | ||||||
adjective satellite • causing irritation or annoyance • (used of physical stimuli) serving to stimulate or excite • causing physical discomfort | ||||||||
90% | 8 | A word used to describe a rough or irritating material | ||||||
adjective satellite • causing abrasion • easily irritated or annoyed • lacking consistency • unpleasantly harsh or grating in sound | ||||||||
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Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times19 Jun 2016 | Across 21 | |
New York Times28 Jan 1979 | Down 72 | |
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