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99% | 7 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • an ornament or pattern resembling a rose that is worn as a badge of office or as recognition of having won an honor • rhizoctinia disease of potatoes • a cluster of leaves growing in crowded circles from a common center or crown (usually at or close to the ground) • circular window filled with tracery | ||||||||
28% | 3 | "___ Pissed After Learning Cost to Replace Earth's Core" (The Onion headline) | ||||||
noun • the supernatural being conceived as the perfect and omnipotent and omniscient originator and ruler of the universe; the object of worship in monotheistic religions • any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force • a man of such superior qualities that he seems like a deity to other people • a material effigy that is worshipped | ||||||||
28% | 5 | Core content of lectures Queens' student at last absorbed — she's learning | ||||||
noun • learns from a tutor | ||||||||
Prize For Learning Method With Fixed Core
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ROSETTE which was last seen in the The Guardian Quiptic crossword.
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Updated: October 15, 2023
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The Guardian Quiptic11 May 2015 | Down 20 | |
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1 | "___ Pissed After Learning Cost to Replace Earth's Core" (The Onion headline)
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2 | Can be air-core or have a magnetic core | |
3 | Can be single-core or multi-core | |
4 | Core content of lectures Queens' student at last absorbed — she's learning
The Guardian Cryptic -
22 Aug 2023 | The Guardian Cryptic / 22 Aug 2023 |
5 | Learning method
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6 | Method of learning
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7 | Method of study? Drop core technical subjects
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