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99% | 8 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • The grievance complained of; the substantial cause of the action; also, in general, the ground or essence of a complaint. | ||||||||
20% | 8 | Left the ground, test ground, with badges | ||||||
noun • an ornament or pattern resembling a rose that is worn as a badge of office or as recognition of having won an honor • rhizoctinia disease of potatoes • a cluster of leaves growing in crowded circles from a common center or crown (usually at or close to the ground) • circular window filled with tracery | ||||||||
18% | 7 | Person who files a complaint against someone | ||||||
noun • someone who imputes guilt or blame | ||||||||
Principal Ground Of Complaint
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GRAVAMEN which was last seen in the The Guardian Quick crossword.
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Updated: October 13, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Quick02 Aug 2001 | Across 3 | |
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2 | An opposing complaint filed after the original complaint | |
3 | Brno is its principal city
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4 | Frequent visitor to a principal's office
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5 | Left the ground, test ground, with badges
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6 | Person who files a complaint against someone | |
7 | Principal male character in a play, movie, novel or poem
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