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99% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • the open circular discharging end of a gun • forward projecting part of the head of certain animals; includes the jaws and nose • a leather or wire restraint that fits over an animal's snout (especially a dog's nose and jaws) and prevents it from eating or biting • restraint put into a person's mouth to prevent speaking or shouting verb • fit with a muzzle • prevent from speaking out • tie a gag around someone's mouth in order to silence them | ||||||||
21% | 9 | Out-and-out expert takes in number, in a manner of speaking | ||||||
noun • the use of uttered sounds for auditory communication | ||||||||
20% | 8 | The art of speaking or the practice of public speaking | ||||||
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Prevent From Speaking Out
There is 1 exact and 135 possible answers.
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MUZZLE which was last seen in the The Guardian Quick crossword.
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Updated: October 13, 2023
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Ink soaker-upper
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Quick13 Apr 2020 | Down 4 | |
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2 | Bailed out, in a manner of speaking
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16 Apr 1999 | New York Times / 16 Apr 1999 |
3 | Nickname given to Americans or English-speaking foreigners in Spanish-speaking countries | |
4 | Out-and-out expert takes in number, in a manner of speaking
The Guardian Cryptic -
21 Oct 2004 | The Guardian Cryptic / 21 Oct 2004 |
5 | The art of speaking or the practice of public speaking | |
6 | What might prevent you from staying out?
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7 | Woman doctor has to pull out — might this prevent misrepresentation?
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