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99% | 7 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • English writer and lexicographer (1709-1784) • 36th President of the United States; was elected vice president and succeeded Kennedy when Kennedy was assassinated (1908-1973) • 17th President of the United States; was elected vice president and succeeded Lincoln when Lincoln was assassinated; was impeached but acquitted by one vote (1808-1875) | ||||||||
39% | 11 | Cape named after President John F. Kennedy | ||||||
noun • a sandy promontory (formerly Cape Kennedy) extending into the Atlantic Ocean from a barrier island off the eastern coast of Florida; the site of a NASA center for spaceflight | ||||||||
39% | 11 | Kennedy's father was Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. | ||||||
noun • 35th President of the United States; established the Peace Corps; assassinated in Dallas (1917-1963) | ||||||||
President After Kennedy
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JOHNSON which was last seen in the Eugene Sheffer crossword.
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Updated: October 11, 2023
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Eugene Sheffer14 Jul 2020 | Across 26 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Cape named after President John F. Kennedy | |
2 | City where President Kennedy was assassinated
The Guardian Quick -
23 Sep 2004 | The Guardian Quick / 23 Sep 2004 |
3 | How Marilyn Monroe sang "Happy Birthday" to President Kennedy
New York Times -
25 Oct 2014 | New York Times / 25 Oct 2014 |
4 | Kennedy's father was Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. | |
5 | Kennedy who said "Frankly, I don't mind not being president"
New York Times -
25 Jan 2016 | New York Times / 25 Jan 2016 |
6 | King of the Northumbrians, d. 642 — President Kennedy's assassin, d. 1963
The Guardian Quick -
11 Oct 2011 | The Guardian Quick / 11 Oct 2011 |
7 | Only president to serve as both vice president and president without being elected to either office
New York Times -
20 Feb 2017 | New York Times / 20 Feb 2017 |
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Decathlon winner: 1960
Writer-lawyer James Weldon ___
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Lexicographer wearing underpants?
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Throne issue for PM and POTUS?
Author of a notable dictionary with some 40,000 entries including “excise: a hateful tax”, “lexicographer: a harmless drudge”, “slubberdegullion: a paltry, dirty, sorry wretch” and “twittlewattle: a vile word”