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99% | 3 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • (astronomy) the angular distance of a celestial body north or to the south of the celestial equator; expressed in degrees; used with right ascension to specify positions on the celestial sphere • the last (12th) month of the year | ||||||||
24% | 7 | From the Old English “æfnung”, meaning “dusk falling, coming of sunset”, the time preceding nightfall, associated with serenading | ||||||
noun • the latter part of the day (the period of decreasing daylight from late afternoon until nightfall) • a later concluding time period • the early part of night (from dinner until bedtime) spent in a special way | ||||||||
23% | 5 | From an Old French expression meaning “I commend you to God”, a word meaning “goodbye, farewell” | ||||||
noun • a farewell remark | ||||||||
Prefix Meaning 10 Thats Associated With 12
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New York Times18 Aug 2022 | Down 33 | |
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