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99% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a choice that is made by counting the number of people in favor of each alternative • the opinion of a group as determined by voting • a legal right guaranteed by the 15th amendment to the US Constitution; guaranteed to women by the 19th amendment • a body of voters who have the same interests • the total number of voters who participated verb • express one's preference for a candidate or for a measure or resolution; cast a vote • express one's choice or preference by vote • express a choice or opinion • be guided by in voting • bring into existence or make available by vote | ||||||||
26% | 6 | Interactive segment of a TV show where viewers can phone in to participate in polls | ||||||
noun • a telephone call to a radio station or a television station in which the caller participates in the on-going program | ||||||||
26% | 9 | A person who conducts surveys or polls | ||||||
noun • a petitioner who solicits contributions or trade or votes • someone who examines votes at an election • someone who conducts surveys of public opinion • a person who takes or counts votes | ||||||||
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New York Times22 May 1977 | Down 70 | |
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