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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 6 | HAROLD | Exact Match! | |||||
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41% | 6 | "Front her, board her, woo her, assail her" — there's something to pay, they say | ||||||
verb • speak to someone • approach with an offer of sexual favors | ||||||||
35% | 9 | Plots within plots | ||||||
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Playwrights Shocking And Her Plots About Independence Right
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HAROLD which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 14, 2023
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We think you're currently doing a The Guardian Cryptic crossword, and other users also searched for these clues:
Desires a soft, small French salad for starterRoom for hire? Initially, everyone
Clue Last Found In...
Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Cryptic16 May 2019 | Down 6 | HAROLD |
This clue was last seen in the publications above.
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | "Front her, board her, woo her, assail her" — there's something to pay, they say
The Guardian Cryptic -
29 Dec 2010 | The Guardian Cryptic / 29 Dec 2010 |
2 | Awards for playwrights Breuer and Durang: 1979–80
New York Times -
06 Dec 1981 | New York Times / 06 Dec 1981 |
3 | Independence ___ (site of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence)
New York Times Bonus -
01 Nov 2020 | New York Times Bonus / 01 Nov 2020 |
4 | Performed in plays written by prominent playwrights of her time | |
5 | Playwrights' "innings"
New York Times -
05 Jul 1989 | New York Times / 05 Jul 1989 |
6 | Plots within plots | |
7 | Sign for which playwrights pine
New York Times -
13 Feb 1982 | New York Times / 13 Feb 1982 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
English king in 1066
Arlen or 67 Down
Loser in 1066
Lloyd of silents
Comic Lloyd
Playwright Pinter
Last Anglo-Saxon king
Playwright of former days breaking instrument put into the ground
Cheer returning former king
Lloyd of the silents
Arlen or 67 Down
Loser in 1066
Lloyd of silents
Comic Lloyd
Playwright Pinter
Last Anglo-Saxon king
Playwright of former days breaking instrument put into the ground
Cheer returning former king
Lloyd of the silents
___ Macmillan, 1950s-'60s British P.M.
Kid-lit character with a "Purple Crayon"
One of the two film stoners who "go to White Castle"
Last Anglo-Saxon king of England
King of England, January-October, 1066
Defeated king is stern — nothing left in possession
Purple-crayon-carrying boy of children's literature
Finally vanquish a queen and aged king
____ Pinter, The Birthday Party playwright
Kid-lit character with a "Purple Crayon"
One of the two film stoners who "go to White Castle"
Last Anglo-Saxon king of England
King of England, January-October, 1066
Defeated king is stern — nothing left in possession
Purple-crayon-carrying boy of children's literature
Finally vanquish a queen and aged king
____ Pinter, The Birthday Party playwright