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99% | 7 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • all of your experiences that determine how things appear to you • the state of being actual or real • the state of the world as it really is rather than as you might want it to be • the quality possessed by something that is real | ||||||||
39% | 12 | System of thought blending Platonism with mystical and religious elements | ||||||
noun • a system of philosophical and theological doctrines composed of elements of Platonism and Aristotelianism and oriental mysticism; its most distinctive doctrine holds that the first principle and source of reality transcends being and thought and is naturally unknowable | ||||||||
39% | 12 | One who combines Platonism with mysticism | ||||||
noun • an adherent of Neoplatonism | ||||||||
Platonism Subject Crossword Clue
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Source | #Number | Answer |
New York Times13 Nov 1983 | Across 19 | |
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4 | One who combines Platonism with mysticism | |
5 | Platonism, e.g.
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6 | Platonism predecessor
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11 Feb 1983 | New York Times / 11 Feb 1983 |
7 | System of thought blending Platonism with mystical and religious elements |
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That that is
The truth about Italy's reconstruction
Kind of TV
"The Apprentice" TV genre
It's faced by pragmatists
One invested in property in fact
State of things as they are
Actual existence
Terrible liar yet to provide truth
Got off just over halfway through dismal government-free existence
Irately? (anag)
No dream property would cramp one
Truth illuminated in rough year
One should occupy immovable property in fact
Genine sex appeal unknown, in truth
Property describing single truth