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99% | 10 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • an abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific instances • the act of becoming pregnant; fertilization of an ovum by a spermatozoon • the event that occurred at the beginning of something • the creation of something in the mind | ||||||||
27% | 5 | Assists with creating a birth plan | ||||||
noun • an assistant (often the father of the soon-to-be-born child) who provides support for a woman in labor by encouraging her to use techniques learned in childbirth-preparation classes | ||||||||
24% | 9 | Supports women in achieving their desired birth plan | ||||||
noun • an assistant (often the father of the soon-to-be-born child) who provides support for a woman in labor by encouraging her to use techniques learned in childbirth-preparation classes | ||||||||
Plan Birth
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CONCEPTION which was last seen in the The Guardian Quick crossword.
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Updated: October 13, 2023
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The Guardian Quick23 Oct 2014 | Down 5 | |
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