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99% | 9 | Exact Match! | ||||||
adjective • denoting or governed by or relating to a bishop or bishops • of or pertaining to or characteristic of the Episcopal church | ||||||||
48% | 9 | Snappered: snapped or snapped at in irritation | ||||||
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43% | 4 | Pics from which to make more pics | ||||||
noun • (pickup community) An expression or implication that one has a negative value judgement of someone in order to make them desire one's approval, especially when trying to pick up a date. • Refusal or withholding of assents; prohibition, veto • A right of veto. • An image in which dark areas represent light ones, and the converse. • (grammar) A word that indicates negation. • A negative quantity. • : A rep performed with weight in which the muscle begins at maximum contraction and is slowly extended; a movement performed using only the eccentric phase of muscle movement. • The negative plate of a voltaic or electrolytic cell. verb • Deliberately annoy, irritate. • (pickup community) To express or imply a negative value judgement of someone to make them desire one's approval, especially when trying to pick up a date. • To leave negative feedback in a reputation tracking system. | ||||||||
Pics Snapped In English Stone Church May Be So Described
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EPISCOPAL which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 14, 2023
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The Guardian Cryptic19 Jan 2011 | Across 10 | |
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4 | Pics from which to make more pics
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5 | Snappered: snapped or snapped at in irritation | |
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