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99% | 13 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a show or display; the act of presenting something to sight or view • a show of military force or preparedness • a public display of group feelings (usually of a political nature) • proof by a process of argument or a series of proposition proving an asserted conclusion • a visual presentation showing how something works | ||||||||
40% | 7 | Timeshare properties | ||||||
adjective • available to rent or lease • of or relating to rent noun • property that is leased or rented out or let • the act of paying for the use of something (as an apartment or house or car) | ||||||||
40% | 14 | Timeshare in bucolic areas | ||||||
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Picket Villains Timeshare
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DEMONSTRATION which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 14, 2023
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The Guardian Cryptic27 Feb 2008 | Down 8 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | Area with lawns and picket fences, informally
New York Times -
04 Jun 2016 | New York Times / 04 Jun 2016 |
2 | Co-ordinate accommodation in timeshare
The Guardian Cryptic -
03 Apr 2013 | The Guardian Cryptic / 03 Apr 2013 |
3 | Pamphlet with chart requiring timeshare arrangement to be easily managed
The Guardian Cryptic -
15 Aug 2023 | The Guardian Cryptic / 15 Aug 2023 |
4 | Part of a picket fence
New York Times -
24 Jun 1988 | New York Times / 24 Jun 1988 |
5 | Someone who supports and signs a timeshare agreement | |
6 | Timeshare properties | |
7 | Timeshare unit, often
New York Times -
31 Jan 2019 | New York Times / 31 Jan 2019 |