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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 7 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a military unit that is a subdivision of a company; usually has a headquarters and two or more squads; usually commanded by a lieutenant • a team of policemen working under the military platoon system • a group of persons who are engaged in a common activity | ||||||||
30% | 10 | A group of people working together towards a common goal or purpose | ||||||
noun • a purposeful or industrious undertaking (especially one that requires effort or boldness) • an organization created for business ventures • readiness to embark on bold new ventures | ||||||||
30% | 5 | A small group of people working together for a common purpose | ||||||
noun • a smallest army unit • a cooperative unit (especially in sports) • a small squad of policemen trained to deal with a particular kind of crime | ||||||||
Philosopher Working For A Group With A Common Purpose
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PLATOON which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 14, 2023
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The Guardian Cryptic01 Sep 2015 | Down 3 | |
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | A group of people working together towards a common goal or purpose | |
2 | A highly organised body of land troops; or, by extension, a multitude of ants, people, Salvationists etc working toward the same purpose
Telegraph Giant General Knowledge -
04 Feb 2023 | Telegraph Giant General Knowledge / 04 Feb 2023 |
3 | An organized group of people working together toward a common purpose | |
4 | Group acting with common purpose
The Guardian Quick -
21 Apr 2008 | The Guardian Quick / 21 Apr 2008 |
5 | Grp. with a common purpose
New York Times -
15 Dec 2007 | New York Times / 15 Dec 2007 |
6 | Looking up and working with those people on purpose
The Guardian Cryptic -
28 Nov 2008 | The Guardian Cryptic / 28 Nov 2008 |
7 | Something given towards a common purpose
The Guardian Quick -
24 May 2005 | The Guardian Quick / 24 May 2005 |
Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Offensive or defensive
Troop group
Police unit
Oliver Stone's Oscar winner 1986
"L.A. on top"
Oscar film: 1986
Sub-unit of a military company
Stone work
Army outfit
Philosopher on a military unit
Troop group
Police unit
Oliver Stone's Oscar winner 1986
"L.A. on top"
Oscar film: 1986
Sub-unit of a military company
Stone work
Army outfit
Philosopher on a military unit
1986 Best Picture
Small military unit
Greek philosopher arranged to supply a small body of soldiers
Company's subdivision
Part company with philosopher - there's no comeback
Group of men taking philosopher on
Founder of the Academy broadcasting 14 (1986)
Subunit of a company
Plot also included military unit
Military unit
Small military unit
Greek philosopher arranged to supply a small body of soldiers
Company's subdivision
Part company with philosopher - there's no comeback
Group of men taking philosopher on
Founder of the Academy broadcasting 14 (1986)
Subunit of a company
Plot also included military unit
Military unit