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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 9 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • one of the greatest of the ancient Athenian philosophers; pupil of Plato; teacher of Alexander the Great (384-322 BC) | ||||||||
28% | 11 | His first name is also the last name of a famous German philosopher | ||||||
noun • United States comedian; one of four brothers who made motion pictures together (1901-1979) | ||||||||
27% | 10 | Ancient Greek philosopher known for his theory that change is the fundamental principle of the universe | ||||||
noun • a presocratic Greek philosopher who said that fire is the origin of all things and that permanence is an illusion as all things are in perpetual flux (circa 500 BC) | ||||||||
Philosopher Is Later To Change His Name
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ARISTOTLE which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 14, 2023
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Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Cryptic30 Jan 2004 | Down 6 | |
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Similar Clues With The Same Answers
Plato's outstanding student
One of Plato's pupils
"The Stagirite"
Tutor of Alexander the Great
Jacqueline's bridegroom in 1968
Author of 13 books on metaphysics
Teacher of Alexander the Great
Pupil of Plato
"Rhetoric" author
Noted Lyceum instructor
One of Plato's pupils
"The Stagirite"
Tutor of Alexander the Great
Jacqueline's bridegroom in 1968
Author of 13 books on metaphysics
Teacher of Alexander the Great
Pupil of Plato
"Rhetoric" author
Noted Lyceum instructor
"Wit is educated insolence"
"Meteorologica" writer
Subject in a Rembrandt painting
"On the Soul" writer
Realist to upset philosopher
His philosophy was composed of toil and tears
Trio least trouble to old Greek thinker
Patrician, ultimately pessimist, and liberal European philosopher
"Politics" writer in eight volumes
Originator of the maxim "One swallow does not make a summer"
"Meteorologica" writer
Subject in a Rembrandt painting
"On the Soul" writer
Realist to upset philosopher
His philosophy was composed of toil and tears
Trio least trouble to old Greek thinker
Patrician, ultimately pessimist, and liberal European philosopher
"Politics" writer in eight volumes
Originator of the maxim "One swallow does not make a summer"