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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
99% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a group of animals (a herd or flock) moving together • a moving crowd • a stonemason's chisel with a broad edge for dressing stone | ||||||||
36% | 7 | Leader of the Golden Horde | ||||||
noun • a Turkic literary language of medieval central Asia (named for one of the sons of Genghis Khan) | ||||||||
36% | 4 | Leader of the Golden Horde | ||||||
noun • a title given to rulers or other important people in Asian countries • an inn in some eastern countries with a large courtyard that provides accommodation for caravans | ||||||||
Peacemaker Embracing Leader Of Rebel Horde
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DROVE which was last seen in the The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
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Updated: October 14, 2023
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We think you're currently doing a The Guardian Cryptic crossword, and other users also searched for these clues:
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Clue Last Found In...
Source | #Number | Answer |
The Guardian Cryptic17 May 2005 | Across 19 | |
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4 | Leader of the Golden Horde | |
5 | Leader of the Mongolian horde | |
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